Next Branch Meeting: How to Pitch Video
6pm, Tuesday 28th September at Headland House.
Branch member and video journalist Jason Parkinson will show a short, yet-to-be published film documenting the devastating effects of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill on the local fishing communities and lead a discussion on how to pitch video stories, especially when the story is off the radar.
Any motions to the branch should be sent to the branch secretary prior to the meeting.
Photographer threatened with arrest and forced to delete images
Branch member Carmen Valino had images deleted from her camera by police and was threatened with arrest whilst photographing the scene of a shooting in Hackney, East London.
Children in Architectural Photography
Comment piece by Grant Smith: Marcus Fairs of Dezeen Magazine recently commented on his twitter that “architectural photographers manage to make children look lonely, even in photos of a kindergarten.” Marcus’ point is timely and recognizes an underlying problem with images of children, as taking photographs with children as a secondary subject is being made more difficult.
We shouldn’t be fatalistic about the decline of stock photography
Comment piece by John Harris: Jim Pickerell tends to present economic processes and technological change as wholly determinate, immutable manifestations of “natural” capitalist forces that admit no contravention. “The Market” and those who, prior to the crash, were seen as “Masters of the Universe”, are thus mythologised as Joseph Schumpeter’s “Creative Destruction” is invoked.
Missing from the Record: what has happened to workplace photography?
Comment piece by Phillip Wolmuth: The call to action from the TUC in Manchester this week brings to mind campaigns against public spending cuts imposed by previous governments, and the part that photography has played in them.
Defending Press Freedom
Report by Marc Vallée: The February meeting of the London Photographers’ Branch agreed to create the position of Legal Rep. It was agreed that the person elected to this position would support Branch members who have had a ‘negative encounter’ with the police and to coordinate the Branch’s relationship with the police.
Branch members who are registered on the site can login and view the draft minutes of meetings: